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Class Schedule



Celebrate the Spring! Deepen your understanding of nature, promote self-healing and joy.    Step into the woods and onto the shore on a walking meditation to collect meaningful gifts from Nature to include in your creation.  Specialized observation techniques will be demonstrated.  Learn how what conjure in your mind and make with your hands will enter your heart and become part of you to create change and foster wisdom.  



Please contact Laura or check back for details.



This Tarot Doll workshop will explore a particular tarot card chosen purposefully or at random. The doll will embody qualities of the chosen card with a particular focus on balance to foster harmony between your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental states of being. 


Each card, an archetype of personality, can serve as mechanism for reflection and insight.  The tarot's history and practices will be explored to the level desired by the doll makers.  Different tarot decks and interpretive materials will be available for examination and inspiration.  There are myriad decks and ideas available to study in the studio.   I’m sure it will be a stimulating and extremely creative class!


This workshop will start with a full day session followed by six week night sessions. The process will follow previous workshops with a walking meditation along the bay to collect elements for inclusion in your doll then back to the studio to begin construction.



Please contact Laura or check back for details.




This medicine doll workshop will explore the Animals. 


Each doll maker will choose an Animal inspiration. The plan is for the doll to have aspects of the chosen animal (head, wings, etc. – whatever you want).  All attributes of this creature will be explored – evolution, life cycle, place in the environment, relationship to other Animals, what it eats, sleeps and breathes; its relationship to human beings in literature, daily life, science (past and present); in spirit; and its status in the world today.  It is hoped that by the last day of the workshop the doll maker will have lived and breathed this animal thereby making it close kin (as I believe we are kin to all life).


The animal you choose can be any (there are approximately 8.7 million choices). It can be an Animal with which you are familiar, your familiar or totem, or an Animal about which you know nothing but haven't had time to explore.  You can choose an Animal you admire for its abilities that you may wish to emulate or bring its positive characteristics into your life.  This Animal may also include those in the mythological realm and your research would include its place in literature, esoterica and, for fun, speculation as to its evolution and life cycle were it living the Real world.


This workshop will start with a full day session followed by six week night sessions. The process will follow previous workshops with a walking meditation along the bay to collect elements for inclusion in your doll then back to the studio to begin construction.

We will discuss the human relationship to the Animal Other.

DATES:  If you're interested in this intense specialized workshop, please contact Laura through this site.



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